Welcome to the Elements Spreadsheet Playground!

Welcome to the Elements Spreadsheet Playground!


This is a safe sandbox environment where you can freely experiment and play with Elements Spreadsheet brand-new macro: Project Tables!


Project Tables is the all-in-one toolbox every team needs to boost teams' productivity and collaborate effectively.

Simplify communication across teams and hit goals faster, with powerful and compelling Project tables:

Get things done in a blink of an eye with a sleek and intuitive user interface

Enhance the overall efficiency using specific data types, simplifying data analysis and reporting

Collaborate and work faster with the live editing experience on Confluence published pages

Get powerful insights in your projects with easy-to-use calculation capabilities



Using the Playground

This playground is for anyone who is keen on testing Project Tables and experimenting its capabilities. Please read the https://elements-spreadsheet.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Playground/pages/945848336 page for details about how to make good use of this space and start experimenting!

Want to see in it in action? Head to https://elements-spreadsheet.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Playground/pages/943783949

Want to try it for yourself? Head to https://elements-spreadsheet.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Playground/pages/955023361


Have feedback?

Your feedback is key to shape the future of Project Tables. We would love to hear your ideas and suggestions, simply take this really short form and weโ€™ll be in touch!

